Social Science Homework Help

Option A: Facilitating discussions about sustainability. Past experience suggests that during the semester most students will discuss aspects of the course with friends, family, colleagues, etc. This

Option A: Facilitating discussions about sustainability. Past experience suggests that during the semester most students will discuss aspects of the course with friends, family, colleagues, etc. This assignment is designed to be a bit more deliberate about having students facilitate such discussions, and to write about and reflect upon them. If you choose this option, you will instigate at minimum four different discussions (could be one-on-one or in groups) that involve at least four different people (i.e., they can’t be discussions with the same person over and over) and who aren’t other students in LEAD 3030 (e.g., in class discussion don’t count).

There are two parts to the report that students who choose this option should submit on UM Learn. In the first part, students are asked to summarize each discussion (likely one page or less) as follows: a) provide a simple description of the time/date/setting/participants (e.g., “6-7pm, Oct 1, on a walk, with my two best friends”); b) summarize the key questions/ideas discussed (maybe 2-3 short paragraphs), and c) conclude with a brief summary of your thoughts of the discussion (short paragraph). Please write up the discussions when they are still relatively fresh in your mind (preferably the same day as you had the discussion). Of the four discussions, at most one can be based on other assignments in the course (e.g., on the “experiment with sustainability”). In the second part of the assignment, after having completed their write-ups of all four discussions, students should to some take some time to reflect on them as a whole (at least one page, single-spaced). For example, you might want to describe what you found to be noteworthy general responses you received (including themes in the content of what others said), how you felt about facilitating the discussions, and perhaps how your experience changed over time

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