Social Science Homework Help

Answer these 4 questions, 300 words (Each) and two resources (each) required.  A) How would you teach students to use a set of cognitive routines to process content? How do you check to ensure your st

Answer these 4 questions, 300 words (Each) and two resources (each) required. 

A) How would you teach students to use a set of cognitive routines to process content? How do you check to ensure your students have internalized the routines? Provide thoughtful, descriptive examples for each question. What is the value of these routines?  

B) Why is it important to incorporate culturally responsive computing in your classroom for the individual, class, and community? How does culturally responsive computing support cultural responsive pedagogy efforts?  

(see attached file “attachmentfort3dq2”  for resource) 

C) What is the effect of using collaborative culture? How does your school use collaborative culture that includes family and community resources? What are ways your school could improve the collaborative culture that includes family community resources. Provide descriptive, thoughtful examples.

(Resource: Read “Building Relationships between School and Community Agencies to Meet 21st Century Learning Demands: Critical Factors,” by Shaari and Hung, from KEDI Journal of Educational Policy (2013).

URL: )

D) Describe 3-5 strategies for building a safe, positive learning climate of openness, and mutual respect with all stakeholders. What potential roadblocks might you encounter and what are ways to overcome these?

(This may be helpful : Read “Chasing Theme Number Nine: Five Practical Strategies for Making Global Connections,” by Johnson, from Social Studies Research & Practice (2015).


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