Social Science Homework Help

Preparing School Leaders Essay For this paper, you will design a program or workshop on whiteness to forward discussions in an organization. Make use of “Talking about Race | National Museum of Africa

Preparing School Leaders Essay

For this paper, you will design a program or workshop on whiteness to forward discussions in an organization. Make use of “Talking about Race | National Museum of African American History & Culture” from this week’s Interactive Lecture material to support your efforts in creating a dynamic workshop as you seek to eradicate racism from the organization.

You can focus on schools, a public service organization, or you can design it for an organization you work for, want to work for, or one that is fictitious; it is up to you. You will want to consider your audience and have a clear understanding of your outcomes.

You are relying on your creativity paired with your ability to synthesize the material for this module as well as your ability to demonstrate your knowledge of what you’ve learned in class thus far.Include at least two more scholarly articles to frame your paper and expand upon the required readings. Be sure to include citations for this material in your list of references.


  • Write a 4-page paper or about 1500 words, not including the title and reference pages, which are required.
  • Your paper must be properly cited and formatted 
  • Include a formal Reference page. 
  • You must support your analysis with at least three scholarly references and can include resources from this course. Sources such as Wikipedia, USA Today, Fox News, or MSNBC news will not be accepted.
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