Social Science Homework Help

1) The American poor do not revolt against the class system most fundamentally because of __________________,

1) The American poor do not revolt against the class system most fundamentally because of __________________,

according to Thomas Edsall (“Why Don’t the Poor Rise Up?”).


political radicalization

heightened class solidarity

high rates of unemployment.

strong support for the Democratic Party

2) When people move up in the class structure they often feel they must lead a more expensive life-style similar to those in the new class they have moved into. What is this tendency called?

status anxiety

keeping up with the Jones’s

class solidarity

class consciousness

structural mobility

3)n Certainly up until about the last 30 to 40 years, the value of American men and women in the marriage market was predicated on quite different resources. For males, _____________ tended to be the most important, whereas for females, _____________ tended to be the most significant.

intellectual ability / homemaking skills

physical strength / physical attractiveness

mechanical ability / childbearing capability

money-making ability / physical attractiveness

None of the above are correct.

4) Many Americans lost their wealth and experienced downward mobility during the 1930s Great Depression. Which type of social mobility did this reflect?





none of the above

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