Social Science Homework Help

You have recently been promoted into your first supervisory position after being with the company for

You have recently been promoted into your first supervisory position after being with the company for

seven years. This is the opportunity that you have been waiting for and it was long overdue. During your first month there, you notice that one of your employees, Mr. Paul Rubens, appears to spend quite a bit of time joking around with the other employees on the assembly line. You are concerned about his behavior but feel uncomfortable in approaching him. Production goals are being exceeded and Paul has been with the company for over twenty years and is extremely popular with all of the employees. Even though the production goals are being exceeded, you believe that there might be room for improvement. Safety is also not an issue because all of employees on the assembly line are seasoned veterans with an exceptional safety record. You are thinking about calling Paul in, and counseling him on his behavior but you are also concerned as to whether or not there is a need to even call him in. What would you do & why?

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