Science Homework Help

Another form of the Arrhenius equation is: In k = -Ea/R(1/T) + In A. A plot of In k vs. 1/T will give a straight line whose slope is – ER. Determine…

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1.Another form of the Arrhenius equation is: In k = -Ea/R(1/T) + In A. A plot of In k vs. 1/Twill give a straight line whose slope is – ER. Determine the activation energy of a reactiongiven the following data. Use excel to make a plot of Ink vs 1/T. Turn in the plot you made.k (s )T (C)5.83 x 103201.67 x 10305.26 x 10"401.36 x 10503.77 x 103602. In this experiment we determined the differential rate law. Another form of the rate law isthe integrated rate law. For a first order reaction with only one reactant the differential ratelaw is: rate =k[A]. The integrated form of the rate law is:In [A] = -kt + In[Ajo. A plot of In[A] vs t will give a straight line whose slope is -k. Thefollowing data was collected for a certain first order reaction:[A] (M) t (sec)0.50000.197100.078200.031300.012400.05050Determine the value of k by plotting the data (In[A] vs t). Turn in the plot you make.

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