Science Homework Help

1.What did you eat?Of the items on your plate, choose one and break it down to the macromolecular

1.     What did you eat? Of the items on your plate, choose one and break it down to the macromolecular

level [protein, carbohydrate (mono-, di-, or poly- saccharide), nucleic acid, fat (types?), etc.] as best you can – there is no need to consult your nutrition label for this, just use your common sense about what you think is found in that item.

My most recent meal was steak, eggs, and jasmine rice. I don’t have a huge knowledge base when it comes to understanding biology. I will try my best. I know the basics are there such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

2.     Identify the monomer (structural unit) each macromolecule is made from.

3.     For one of your macromolecules, what type of bond holds the monomers together

4.     Identify one place each monomer might be used in your body.

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