Psychology Homework Help

Final Project: The Self-Modification Project. One of the primary goals of this course is to better understand the impact that daily lifestyle and habits may have upon overall health and wellness. Cons

Final Project: The Self-Modification Project. One of the primary goals of this course is to better understand the impact that daily lifestyle and habits may have upon overall health and wellness. Consistent with this goal, each student will begin by completing a personal exploration or assessment of the challenges to personal wellness (smoking, obesity, excessive alcohol use, stress modification, etc). Based upon this initial exploration the student will have to develop a plan to modify the challenged found in this exercise and discuss how they have changed these lifestyle-challenges. The format for this paper will follow three general headings (Initial Challenges to Health and Wellness, Plan of Intervention In the initial section, relevant research regarding the unhealthy behavior should be offered and supported with relevant research. In the second section, the student will develop a detailed plan to change the researched behavior. In the last section, the student will discuss the results of their plan to change the unhealthy behavior. Requirements for the paper include a minimum of 5 pages (APA Format, 6th Edition).
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