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Assignment Content According to Branine (2011), there are five imperatives of managing effectively across cultures: Valuing diversity and equality as integral to organizational effectiveness Creating

Assignment Content

According to Branine (2011), there are five imperatives of managing effectively across cultures:

  1. Valuing diversity and equality as integral to organizational effectiveness
  2. Creating competitive advantage through flexible working practice and family friendly policies
  3. Understanding ethical and unethicalbehaviorsin other countries
  4. Transforming the use of information and communications across borders
  5. Developing a sense of employee environmental awareness and well being

Writea 700- to 1,050-word paper that discuss in detail oneof the imperatives of managing effectively across cultures. Include the following in your paper:

  1. The complexities of implementation of these distinct moves in the United States and one international labor market, such as England, Germany, Kenya, China, Jamaica West Indies, or United Arab Emirates.
  2. Compare the levels of progress made in the targeted locales.
  3. Draw conclusions about possible next steps in promoting progress.

Formatyour paper according to APA guidelines.

Reference minimum of two (2) peer-reviewed APA References

Text Reference

Branine, M. (2011). Managing across cultures: Concepts, policies and practices. Los Angeles, CA: Sage. ISBN: 9781849207294

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