Psychology Homework Help

This activity is meant to be a fun – to see your creativity. Take 5 minutes to jot down all the uses for a cardboard box. Include every possibility that you can think of, even if it seems unreasonable

This activity is meant to be a fun – to see your creativity.

  • Take 5 minutes to jot down all the uses for a cardboard box. Include every possibility that you can think of, even if it seems unreasonable. The list you write is an example ofdivergent thinking.
  • Next, look the list over and determine which of the possible uses are most usual or most likely to be worthwhile. The list you write is an example ofconvergent thinking.
  • Then write the definitionsfor 5 key terms.{You will choose the5terms from the Thinking section beginning at p.347.}The definitions must be in your own words. If appropriate, include examples.
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