Psychology Homework Help

Read Issue 2.1 “Is American Psychological Research Generalizable to Other Cultures?” Gerald J. Haeffel : For Theory, Not Cultural Context, Will Advance American Psychology Gerald Haeffel et al. vol

Read Issue 2.1  “Is American Psychological Research Generalizable to Other Cultures?” 

Gerald J. Haeffel : For  Theory, Not Cultural Context, Will Advance American Psychology Gerald Haeffel et al. vol. 64 no.6 sept 2009 

Jefferey Arnett against: The Neglected 95%, a challenge psychology’s philosophy of science.

Answer the following points and submit in a WORD file. 250 words

1. Which of the two articles do you most agree with? Why? (use several points from the article and discuss why you agree with each)

2. Choose two or three main points from the other article and discuss how you would try to convince that author to change their opinion on those points.

no plagiarism 

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