Psychology Homework Help

Discussion 6 — How We Construct and Lose Our Memories This week, we will explore memory is a faithful record and show how our patchwork memories serve us better than a mental museum. Step 1: Address

Discussion 6 — How We Construct and Lose Our Memories

This week, we will explore memory is a faithful record and show how our patchwork memories serve us better than a mental museum.

Step 1: Address the following discussion questions in one paragraph for each of the three question items:


1. How are memories formed at the following levels:

  1. Molecular: What is long-term potentiation (LTP)?
  2. Cellular: How is the hippocampus important for memory?
  3. System: How widely are memories distributed in the brain?

2.  How would you distinguish amnesia from normal forgetting? When would you describe someone as absent-minded versus amnesic?

3. What’s better: A memory that records objectively and accurately, or a memory that can be updated to support newer levels of understanding?

4. Please answer the questions individually and not as one huge answer

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