Philosophy Homework Help

1.TRUE or FALSE: George Berkeley was a ‘substance dualist’ and is known as “the Father of Modern Philosophy.”2.TRUE or FALSE: Mind-Body Dualism is the view that ‘mind’ and ‘matter/ body’are equally re

1.TRUE or FALSE: George Berkeley was a ‘substance dualist’ and is known as “the Father of Modern Philosophy.”2.TRUE or FALSE: Mind-Body Dualism is the view that ‘mind’ and ‘matter/ body’are equally real ‘substances.’3.TRUE or FALSE: The big problem with ‘Substance D ualism’ is the problem of how two different ‘substances’ could interact with one another.4.TRUE or FALSE: One response to substance dualism was to caricature it as the “ghost in the machine” view – where both non-physical ghosts and non-physical minds were held not to exist.5.TRUE or FALSE: On response to substance dualism was to hold that talk of mindas a ‘substance’ commits a ‘category mistake.’ 6.TRUE or FALSE: ‘Dual Aspect Monism’ theory of mind and body is a perspective in which mind and body are not understood as two substances, but as two ‘modes’ or ‘aspects’ of something more ultimate / real. 7.TRUE or FALSE: The experience of ‘qualia’ strongly supports the Physicalist – Functionalist view of mind. 8.TRUE or FALSE: The ‘Functionalist’ view of mind sees the brain as being like computer hardware and ‘mind’ as being like software programs.9.TRUE or FALSE: T he basic idea of ‘Materialism / Physicalism’ is that mental states can be understood in terms of physical states of the body / brain. 10.TRUE or FALSE: B ehaviorists hold that we can understand ‘mind’ language ias referring to behaviors or ‘dispositions to behavior.’11.TRUE or FALSE: ‘Idealism’ is the view that all that exists consists of ‘minds and ideas’ and therefore there are no physical, non-mental realities, including bodies and brains.12.TRUE or FALSE: Most philosophers of mind accept some ‘idealist’ theory of mind. 13.TRUE or FALSE: Most scientists accept some materialist / physicalist view of mind. 14.TRUE or FALSE: ‘Epiphenomenalism’ does not deny the existence / reality of mental properties, but understands them as produced by and dependent upon physical properties (of the brain). 15.TRUE or FALSE: “Hylemorphism’ w as a pre-modern (Aristotelian) view in which minds (or ‘forms’) exists in a supernatural realm and the earthly body / brain somehow “participates” in Supernatural Mind

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