Management Homework Help

Business Research and Communications Assignment – Answer these essay questions (attached are the chapters of the book required to complete this activity): 1. Your supervisor is interested in possibly

Business Research and Communications Assignment – Answer these essay questions (attached are the chapters of the book required to complete this activity):

1. Your supervisor is interested in possibly redesigning the office space of your department (10 people) from individual offices to one large, shared workspace. She has asked you to investigate the issue and write up a report for how she should go about approaching the work: Who should she talk with, where should she look for information, is there data, etc. Write up a short plan following the guidance in Chapter 11.

2. If you were writing a recommendation report for an audience that doesn’t know you, would you use the direct approach or indirect approach? Explain your answer.

3. Write a proposal letter for how you would revamp the website home page so that it appeals more to the 35-under audience.

4. Find a recent annual report online from a Fortune 500 company. Using the information in Chapter 12, critique the report’s use of visual design and communication.

5. Should the most experience member of a department have final approval of the content for the department wiki? Why or why not?

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