Management Homework Help

1.Identify the parent country, host-country(ies), and third country(ies) in the following example: A

1.    Identify the parent country, host-country(ies), and third country(ies) in the following example: A

global soft-drink company called Cold Cola has headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, It operates production facilitates in Athens, Greece and in Jakarta, Indonesia. The company has assigned a manager from Boston to head the Athens facility and a manager from Hong Kong to manage the Jakarta facility.

2.    Besides cultural differences, what other factors affect human resource management in an organization with international operations.

3.    Suppose you work in the HR department of a company that is expanding into a country where the law and culture make it difficult to lay off employees. How should your knowledge of that difficulty affect human resource planning for the overseas operations

4.    Why do multinational organizations hire host-country nationals to fill most of their foreign positions, rather than sending expatriates for most jobs.

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