Management Homework Help

I’m taking this business law class, but I’m struggling REALLY hard. I don’t really understand the concepts, so

I’m taking this business law class, but I’m struggling REALLY hard. I don’t really understand the concepts, so

when my teacher assigned this research project I was so lost! Please help!You told several members of your family at a Sunday dinner that you are taking a law class in college, and suddenly everyone starts asking you for legal advice. Using the internet or another other research sources, please give a correct and thorough answer for each of the following scenarios posed by your family. Your mother ordered a sofa on sale at Rafferty’s Furniture and when she got it in her house, the color of the sofa did not look good with her wall color. She called the store and told them to take back the furniture, but they said they don’t give refunds on sale merchandise. She wants to know if she can make them give her a refund. Your Aunt Bessie said she bought a 2005 Volvo car at Honest Bob’s Used Cars on Memorial Drive and she has had it in the shop almost constantly since her purchase, with bad transmission problems and leaking oil. She wants to know if she can either get her money back or force them to fix the problem.Your sister Willow moved into an apartment and one day woke up to see her bedroom window had been broken. She immediately called the rental office but no one fixed it by 6pm that night so fearing for her safety, she called Dr. Glass who came by and fixed it that night. She wants the apartment to pay the cost of window and wants to know if they have to do so. Finally your brother AJ has two issues. He just got turned down for a business credit card because according to the letter he got back from VISA he had “negative credit “on his credit report but he has never had a credit card. How can he check on this negative credit that he thinks is a mistake? Second, he wants to start a business selling purses with what looks like a Louis Vuitton logo on them that he buys from a contact in Bermuda. They are not Louis Vuitton purses but look just like them. He asks if there are any problems with this business venture. You have learned that the law varies from state to state, so you know that you need to find out what consumer law or other area of law is available in Georgia to protect their rights. Research on the web and see what remedies each of them has, if any. Write a clearly written answer for all situations, stating their legal rights in the State of Georgia. List any web sites used.

1. Your mother ordered a sofa on sale at Rafferty’s Furniture and when she got it in her house, the color of the sofa did not look good with her wall color. She called the store and told themto…

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