Information Systems Homework Help

You will continue development of the network design and architecture proposal. New content will include an analysis of the communication protocols that would be suitable for the organization’s distrib

You will continue development of the network design and architecture proposal. New content will include an analysis of the communication protocols that would be suitable for the organization’s distributed computing, and recommendations for changes or additions that would be necessary to support the requirements.

One of the first tasks in the development of a network design and architecture proposal is to determine the communication protocols that would be suitable for the system. Network communication protocols will determine many operational aspects of the network and must be examined and carefully chosen as part of the network design process. To create this part of the network design and architecture proposal document, it is necessary to understand how the communication protocols will affect the system.

For this assignment, you will identify the types of communications that will be supported by the proposed network based on the requirements analysis that was performed in the previous project. The uses of the network that were identified in the requirements analysis will guide your selection of communication protocols.

The project deliverables are the following:

Update the network design and architecture proposal document’s title page with the new date and project name.

Update the previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.

The Communication Protocols Analysis and Recommendations section should include the following:


For each of the requirements identified in the Requirements Analysis section of the previously created proposal, list and describe the communication protocol(s) that are necessary to support the requirement.

Include a description of which parts of the network and network applications would utilize the protocol(s).


Based on the analysis that was performed in the previous step, prepare a recommendation for protocol(s) to use with the network.

Justify the selection of these protocol(s) by using a description of the operational characteristics that best match the analysis results.

Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.

Submit the document for grading.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

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