Information Systems Homework Help

You work in the IT group of a department store and the latest analytics shows there is a bug that allows customers to go over their credit limit. The company’s president has asked you to develop a new

You work in the IT group of a department store and the latest analytics shows there is a bug that allows customers to go over their credit limit. The company’s president has asked you to develop a new algorithm to solve this problem. 

Create your algorithm using pseudocode that determines if a department store customer has exceeded their credit limit. Be sure you gather the following inputs from the user: 

  • Account number
  • Balance of the account
  • Total cost of all the products the customer is looking to purchase
  • Allowed credit limit

After you gather the inputs, make sure your algorithm calculates if the user can purchase the products and provides a message to the user indicating if the purchase is approved or declined. 

This is not a paper, this is coding. You do not need quotes and references. 

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