Information Systems Homework Help

Text Mining and Word Cloud Assignment Step 1: Create a text file•Find a transcript of a presidential speech (or any speech at least 1 page long/800 words) and save it as a text file. For example: Dona

Text Mining and Word Cloud Assignment

Step 1: Create a text file•Find a transcript of a presidential speech (or any speech at least 1 page long/800 words) and save it as a text file.

For example: Donald Trump Rally Speeches from Kaggle:

Step 2 : Install and load the required packages in R•tm # for text mining•SnowballC # for text stemming•Wordcloud # word-cloud generator •RColorBrewer # color palettes

Step 3 : Text mining•load the text in R•Load the data as a corpus•Cleaning the text

Step 4 : Build a term-document matrix

Step 5 : Generate the Word cloud

Step 6: Plot word frequencies (use bar plot)

Step 7: Save and submit your workas follows:

A.Save each of the scripts you have used in R as a text file (Project_Assignment_Scripts.txt)

B.Take screenshots of all steps in R, and make sure you put them in your MS-Word report. (Word_Crowd_Report.docx)

C.Summarize what you have understood by looking at the resulting word crowd and the bar chart.

D.Format your word document professionally (use a cover page also).

E.Submit your work on itslearning using the Project_Assignment_Part1 link. (2 files: 1 text file containing your scripts and 1 MS-word file showing your word crowd and bar chart with your analysis of the speech). You can also submit the text file of the speech you saved in step 1

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