HR Management Homework Help

Bethesda Hospital has recently developed an occupational medicine program. It wants to target employers in the Baltimore metropolitan area. The director of the program has a range of services within t

Bethesda Hospital has recently developed an occupational medicine program. It wants to target employers in the Baltimore metropolitan area. The director of the program has a range of services within this program including toxicology assessment, education around issues such as preventing back injuries, stress management, and providing medical treatment at factories, should it be desired. Suggest 3 alternative ways the customer base for this new service could be segmented and indicate how each base of segmentation would result in a change in the marketing mix. 

Length of assignment – 500 words

  • Excluding title page/ Cover page and reference page.

APA Format 

Number of citations:

  •  2 peer-reviewed, scholarly references and 1 instance of Biblical integration.

Acceptable sources 

  • Scholarly articles published within the last five years
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