History Homework Help

The text to use is the State of Native Nations 1-Considering chapter 5 in your text The State of Native Nations- How are Native Nations involved in the United Nations and what is the benefit? How does

The text to use is the State of Native Nations

1-Considering chapter 5 in your text The State of Native Nations- How are Native Nations involved in the United Nations and what is the benefit? How does the United Nations benefit from working with Native Nations? In what areas do both entities share a common concern? Please use specific examples from Chapter 4 to back up your answers.

2-From chapter 6 in your text The State of Native Nations- Not all Federally recognized tribes have reservations or land bases, while some have land that is not considered a reservation. Some Native Nations have both federal recognition and reservation lands. Referring specifically to the “Indian Lands Today” section in chapter 6 define and discuss the following- Trust land, Restricted Fee Land, Indian Land, Fee Simple, Jurisdictional area, tribal trust land and Individual trust land.

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