History Homework Help

explore Walter Benjamin’s concepts of aura, authenticity, and reproduction as well as John Berger’s “Ways of Seeing,” as they relate to modern art work. You will visit an art museum or gallery and sum

explore Walter Benjamin’s concepts of aura, authenticity, and reproduction as well as John Berger’s “Ways of Seeing,” as they relate to modern art work. You will visit an art museum or gallery and summarize your experience through a reflective essay. You will then compare your “live” experience with that of viewing the same art work through reproduction (a picture on your phone).


 Visit an art museum or gallery of your choice. While there, select one piece of art to focus on. It can be any form of art (sculpture, painting, photograph, etc.)

 Take in the art piece for at least 10-15 minutes. Allow yourself to think and feel freely. Experience the aura and possible authenticity of the piece.

o Make notes about how the art piece makes you feel, what it makes you think of, or what emotions it evokes. Explain the aura of the piece in words and make notes about what makes the piece and experience feel authentic.

o Take a picture of the art piece on your phone and save it to your camera roll. You will have to provide this image as part of your assignment.

 At home, view the picture of the art piece on your phone. As you did with the piece while at the museum, take in the art piece for at least 10-15 minutes. Again, allow yourself to think and feel freely. Experience the aura and possible authenticity of the piece.

o Make notes about how the art piece makes you feel, what it makes you think of, or what emotions it evokes. Explain the aura of the piece in words and make notes about what makes the piece and experience feel authentic.

 In a reflective essay, write about both of your experiences. Respond to the questions below for the “live” experience as well as the “reproduced” experience.

o Describe the art piece in terms of its artistic elements. What materials are used, what colors are present, what does the piece look like, how much space does it take up? (*This set of questions relates specifically to the “live experience”)

o Explain how the art piece made you feel, what it made you think of, or what emotions it evoked. Describe the aura of art piece and its authenticity as conceptualized by Walter Benjamin and John Berger.

o Describe your overall experience while taking in the art piece “live” at the museum or gallery. How did the live setting contribute to your process of experiencing the art piece?

o Following your analysis of the “live experience,” answer the same questions regarding your experience of taking in the art piece in your home through the photograph on your phone.

 More specifically, write about how your experience may have changed and most importantly how the art piece’s aura and authenticity have changed due to its reproduction.

 Summarize your trip to the art museum or gallery by describing your overall experience with this assignment.

o What were your initial thoughts about this assignment and how did they possibly change once your trip was complete?


 Read the assignment instructions and rubric carefully before beginning.

 Use full sentences and appropriate academic language in all work.

 Follow standard APA guidelines (proper margins, double-spaced, 12-point Times New

Roman, and cover page your full name, course, and date.

 Use APA citation format and include a reference/work cited page when necessary.

 Your essay should be approximately 2-3 pages in length.

 You are required to submit the photograph of the art piece you selected.

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