History Homework Help

This discussion requires you to interpret themotivationsbehind the Crusades beginning in 1095 CE. You will need to support your position with quotes and examples from the textbook. Provide youranalysi

This discussion requires you to interpret themotivationsbehind the Crusades beginning in 1095 CE. You will need to support your position with quotes and examples from the textbook.

Provide youranalysis on the following question.

  • Were the Crusades primarilymotivated:
    • By a real threat to Christians in the Middle East;
    • By genuine religious piety on the part of church leaders;
    • By internal struggles between the church and secular powers in Europe at the time;
    • Or was it primarily the opportunity for plunder and economic profit?


A History of World Societies, Volume 1

11th Edition

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