History Homework Help

“Choose Your Own Topic” Question: In about 200 words, discuss some event, person, or historical trend—one we have NOT already discussed in the video or discussion forum—that you learned about from thi

“Choose Your Own Topic” Question: In about 200 words, discuss some event, person, or historical trend—one we have NOT already discussed in the video or discussion forum—that you learned about from this week’s readings that you did not know about prior to this week. Write more than a summary. First, tell us about the event, person, idea, and what happened. Then, explain to us WHY this topic is significant and WHAT we should learn from it. Was it some sort of major turning point? Does it reveal something unexpected about the American system? Does it give us new insight into politics, race, gender roles, class, or some other course theme? Explain how? What is about this topic that led you to choose it? If you did additional research, be sure to include links to any websites you visited to allow others to explore and to properly document your research. 

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