History Homework Help

Debate Instructions: You have been divided into two groups. Group A will support Booker T. Washington’s position. Group B will support W. E. B. Du Bois’s position. To participate in the debate, you ne

Debate Instructions:

You have been divided into two groups. Group A will support Booker T. Washington’s position. Group B will support W. E. B. Du Bois’s position. To participate in the debate, you need to research both positions. The required work will help you. Who will you be in the debate? Your character does not have to be an actual historical figure. You can be, for example, a domestic servant or a sharecropper . Just make sure that you ground your analysis in academic sources and you demonstrate you have done all the required work by integrating it into your debate positions. Stay in character for your responses because each response is part of the debating. You have been chosen to support W. E. B Du Bois’s position. You must stay in character whilst supporting your assigned position . Remember that everything you argue, although in character, must be grounded in academic research and must demonstrate you have done the required work. 250 words minimum

*Must be well referenced. You CANNOT use any resources outside of the ones that have been provided for you

References that must be used




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