Health & Medical Homework Help

Class: Electronic Data Security Assignment: Security Policies of a Specific Facility Note: This a paper instead of a work policy and procedure. TIP: For the written assignment Security Policies of a S

Class: Electronic Data Security

Assignment: Security Policies of a Specific Facility

Note: This a paper instead of a work policy and procedure.

TIP: For the written assignment Security Policies of a Specific Facility, you will find these in Chapter 12 of your textbook reading – there is a bullet pointed list of 10 major sections of the ISO standard 17799, and after that it adds 2 more bullet points to make it 12 major sections for ISO standard 27002, so look for those to decide which 10 you would pick.  The explanations of each of these categories in your text are rather brief so you will need to do a little more research to expand a bit more on them.  (this information is found under Lesson Content)

Consider the information security needs of a group physician practice. Not only must HIPAA regulations be met, but the business needs of the practice as a business must be protected.


Prepare in outline form a summary of IT security policies for this practice:

  • Identify at least 10 security policy categories that should be included in security policy manual for the group physician practice.
  • Write one brief paragraph per category explaining the need for this (10 security policy categories) type of policy.
  • Do not write the policy statements themselves. Instead ensure that the scope of policy categories included is comprehensive.

Your paper should:

  • be 1-2 pages in length, double-spaced,
  • be free of spelling, grammar, punctuation errors, and APA format with In-text citation.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.

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