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Week 8 Journal Entry: Food AddictionInstructions Food addiction is a somewhat controversial term. When considering that obesity is a significant issue in any field of practice, the Advanced Practice N

Week 8 Journal Entry: Food Addiction


Food addiction is a somewhat controversial term. When considering that obesity is a significant issue in any field of practice, the Advanced Practice Nurse must be aware of current research and treatment discussions. Watch the video the following videos Week 8: Learning Materials from Dr. Mark Gold, who is a world-renowned expert on addiction-related diseases, and Ashley Gearhardt, PhD., a food addiction expert.

Video link #1: What is the evidence that food addiction exists

Video link #2: How did we get here and where are we going

Also, read the article (see attached pdf article) that discusses Food Addiction in general and then locate a second article that deals with your population specific program, i.e. family, pediatrics, women, psychiatric, geriatric, acute care, etc.


Note: Please, attach a pdf copy of the second article found.

– In your one-two page journal submission, discuss the concept of Food Addiction and possible scenarios or patients that you are likely to encounter in your practice as an APRN (Psychiatry Mental Health Nurse Practitioner)

– Finally, discuss your personal thoughts on food addiction – is this real or junk science? (Note: In my opinion is real) Why or why not? How do you intend to address obesity in your own practice?

The paper submission should be 500-750 words in length and in APA format.

– Please, this is a turnitin assignment (free of plagiarism)

– APA format

– Minimum 500 -750 words.

Note: My background for you to have as a reference: I am currently enrolled in the Psych Mental Health Practitioner Program, I am a Registered Nurse, I work at a Psychiatric Hospital, where I also work with this vulnerable population.

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