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You have to write an answer based on this writing, a minimum of 200 words. You need to add references and quotes, do not use the same references that appear in the writing. Brazilian and Baltic Herita

You have to write an answer based on this writing, a minimum of 200 words. You need to add references and quotes, do not use the same references that appear in the writing.

Brazilian and Baltic Heritages

The Baltic states are less or more a region in Northern Europe. The three countries that includes the Baltic Nations are Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. The reason why these three states are referred to as Baltic nations is that they are positioned near the Baltic sea. These three countries are the only ones that touch the Baltic sea directly. The Baltic Sea is a marginal sea, which means that it is an extended larger body of water. Though it is not considered as a part of the Atlantic Ocean, it trickles off in its direction with no barrier other than the invisible border between the end of the Atlantic Ocean and the starting point of the Baltic sea. Therefore, the Baltic Sea is a marginal sea that freely opens into one of the most massive oceans in the universe. These states that are encompassing of the Baltic sea are the reason to why the Baltic sea is known as a separate water body.

This sea stretches for miles within the official boundaries of this marginal sea. In these Baltic nations, many rivers are located within their territory. There are also over seven thousand lakes in that region. Also, there are marshes, bogs, and swamps, which are in that region. The forest areas in that region are about one-third of their total area. Trees in that region grow very well since they can adapt to the soil that is poorly drained. (Worldpopulationreview, 2020) This is a reality in the three Baltic states across the board. All the three countries they are parliamentary democracies. Across all the Baltic nations, there are over six million populations. Though there are only three countries that are recognized in the Baltic states, there are also nine countries that border the Baltic sea.

People in Baltic nations decently follow instructions of modern medical regimens, and they readily use the healthcare system which is available to them. They take an active interest in nutrition, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle since they consider their wellbeing and health as an essential issue. Walking in, especially natural settings like parks are deemed necessary in the Baltic nations, and all ages enjoy it. Their descent assumes that it is their responsibility to take care of their health. In these countries, hospitalization and medical care are readily sought, and they attempt even to maintain their health at an old age. They believe that linden blossom teas and chamomile help them in times of colds and fever. They also think that honey helps in sore throats and fever. In Baltic nations, the use of over-the-counter cold remedies and analgesics are preferred by young people. In these countries, it is not customary for the young generation to use the natural substance for healing.

The language may continue to present difficulty to older Baltic immigrants if they have not learned English well. The tolerance of pain by many of the older individuals in these countries is seen as part of life, and they might not even report anything concerning it or also complain. The medical care is always sought to some stigma which is attached to mental illness. (Smartwritingcenter, 2020) Most individuals in these countries accept the mental illness and physical handicaps, and the mental retardation and the families usually take care of the individuals at home. Most of the people in Baltic countries accept organ donation, transplantation, and blood transfusion. Health care workers and nurses are needed to give some privacy, and they should think about the modesty demands of males and females of these cultures. Older patients of both sexes in the Baltic nations are used to being treated with respect.

Brazilian society is built of convergence of individuals from various origins, African descent, original Native Brazilians, and the effect of Portuguese colonialists. Brazil is the biggest nation in South America; all South American states border Brazil except Ecuador and Chile (Larry D. PurnellEric A. Fenkl, 2019). When the Portuguese reached what is now called Brazil in 1500, its native population consists of about 2.5 million Amerindians. Their culture was primarily western, which was derived from the Portuguese culture. Still, during the colonial period, it presents a very diverse nature showing that cultural mixing and ethic occurred, which mostly involved homegrown individuals of the coastal and most reachable riverine areas, African individuals, and Portuguese individuals.

The healthcare of the Brazilian people is a constitutional right. Both government establishments and private foundations give it. In this country, the minister for health is the one who administers the policies of the national health. The obligation of the government is viewed as the essential medicinal services, which are the regulated components by the individual states. The open medical services are given to all outsiders in Brazilian region and Brazilian permanent residents through the National Healthcare System, known as the Unified Health System. There are some similarities in health between the Baltic nations and Brazil since they both adhere to modern medical regimens, and they are also both use the ready healthcare system.


Larry D. PurnellEric A. Fenkl. (2019, June 30). People of Brazilian heritage. Retrieved from heritage is rich in,similarities in their ethnic features.&text=The exact%2

Smartwritingcenter. (2020, March 19). Discuss how the Baltic nations view the delivery of evidence-based healthcare and their beliefs related to health and disease. Retrieved from

Worldpopulationreview. (2020). Baltic states 2020. Retrieved from

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