Health & Medical Homework Help

This is the last Capstone and I want you to sell yourself. Take your Resume you created to make a presentation on why you are the best candidate for the JOB we FAKE applied for in week two. Here is an

This is the last Capstone and I want you to sell yourself. Take your Resume you created to make a presentation on why you are the best candidate for the JOB we FAKE applied for in week two.

Here is an example of the assignment: How to Do A PowerPoint.pptx


10 slides

1 Picture of Yourself

4 Animations

4 Transition effects

1 image from online each slide

1 creative design

* Suggestion: Do this assignment in the PowerPoint Office 365 app as it is up to date and has the best side- suggestions to make your presentation beautiful*

As always call or text if you need me.


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