English Homework Help

Respond to this 250 words 2 apa citations This course has been challenging in a very good way. Instructional Design is as if you are given a blank canvas and someone asks you “how would you draw a

Respond to this 250 words  2 apa citations 

This course has been challenging in a very good way. Instructional Design is as if you are given a blank canvas and someone asks you “how would you draw a picture that represents your classroom instruction?”

As a teacher we are accustomed to receiving the curriculum and creating a lesson plan to correlate with what you are teaching. This course allows you to see things with an entirely different perspective. It allows you to see the course as an educator and as a student. Working on assignment #5 it was both enjoyable yet eye-opening. I have never created a lesson plan that provides a break down such as: how to gain attention of the listener, elicit performance and provide feedback amongst others. 

As I was thinking about the Instructional Treatmentand strategy in Assignment #5 I was transported to my classroom in front of my students wondering”what do I want them to learn?”.As I worked on this assignment it allowed me to become the student as well as the teacher. When you have the opportunity to design your curriculum (specifically for a targeted group of students) it allows you to become more familiar with your instruction.

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