English Homework Help

I have attached 5 files use them to site and films also use them to sites. Answer all questions with at least two paragraphs.Write the best writing. Use minimum citations. When using the text provide

  • I have attached 5 files use them to site and films also use them to sites. 
  • Answer all questions with at least two paragraphs.Write the best writing. 
  • Use minimum citations.  When using the text provide a page and a film use the full name. 

Question #2Chapter 8 focuses on the impact of capitalism on intercultural communication. Drawing on the chapter, films, and class lectures, discuss the following: In the context of globalization, capitalism is increasingly impacting countries from the Global South (nations that were once colonized). Discuss the likely impact of the culture of capitalism on these cultures and their cultural practices.   I must see you cite the lectures, the text and the films. 

 Films: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aL3XGZ5rreE&t=2512s

Films: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/growing-up-poor-in-america/

Question #3Race is a social constructs, but racism has real impact on people’s lives.  Discuss how the discourses of biology, ideology, and cultural deficit (lecture on “Racialization”) have been used to produce racists policies, practices and shape individual decisions.  

Please use:

  • At least one, Chapters 1, 2, 4 and 5
  • Lectures “Discours” and “Racialization”
  • Films, The Power of an Illusion Episode 1 and Racism a History I
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcrcflTCu4Q&t=6s
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