English Homework Help

7.09 Many Voices Discussion As the United States expanded in the nineteenth century, American literature became increasingly diverse, splintering into many voices, representing many experiences, reg

7.09 Many Voices Discussion

As the United States expanded in the nineteenth century, American literature became increasingly diverse, splintering into many voices, representing many experiences, regions, peoples, and viewpoints.

1.  Give an example of these diverse voices by citing two different quotes and authors from our Unit 7 readings. Include the quote and the name of the author for each. (10 points)

2. Where can we find diversity in American literature—whether resulting from different experiences, different geographic locations, or different ways of looking at life—TODAY? To answer this question, consider cultural works from various mediums including print, film, television, social media, and music that we encounter today.

Identify the voice (author, singer, producer, speaker, etc.) AND an example of their work. (10 points)

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