English Homework Help

Many students confuse ethos with research, when it is actually… (Select all that apply)Speaker’s

Many students confuse ethos with research, when it is actually… (Select all that apply)


connection to topic

Source’s education

Source content

Speaker’s honesty

Speaker’s credibility

Question number 2

“The tobacco industry should be required to pay 100 percent of the medical bills for individuals dying of smoking-related cancers.”

Which type of claim is this statement?





Question number 3

The overall goal of a persuasive speech is for the audience to accept your __________ as the speaker.





Question number 4

What is ethos?

Ethos is establishing your credibility to your audience.

Ethos is playing to the emotions of your audience.

Ethos is playing to the “brain” of your audience.

Ethos is emotional appeals.

Question number 5

What is logos?

Logos is logical reasoning.

Logos is playing to the emotions of your audience.

Logos is playing to the “brain” of your audience.

Logos is showing your credibility as a speaker to your audience.

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