English Homework Help

This is a simple assignment. Usually I have everyone do a 3 minute talk and submit a 1 page synopsis of their talk but since this is online I want everyone to just submit a 2 page paper. I want you to

This is a simple assignment. Usually I have everyone do a 3 minute talk and submit a 1 page synopsis of their talk but since this is online I want everyone to just submit a 2 page paper.

I want you to find and article related to economics in the “newpaper”, which means some reputable source like the New York Times or the Wall Stree Journal or any other well know publication.

The article should not be an opinion piece. It should be presented as factual.

Read the article and write a 2 page (12 point type, double spaced) synopsis of the article and then voice your own opinion about the story in the article.

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