English Homework Help

Black Lives Matter: Race and Belonging in the Age of Colorblindness 6 pages Audience:As before, your audience for this project includes a mixed audience of people interested, but not necessarily well-

Black Lives Matter:

Race and Belonging in the Age of Colorblindness

6 pages

Audience:As before, your audience for this project includes a mixed audience of people interested, but not necessarily well-versed in, the topic—for example, college students on a college campus or community members in a public setting.

Purpose:Your purpose for this assignment is a) to build consciousness on the topic you’ve chosen to focus on, b) maximize the audience for which your perspective on the topic is convincing, and c) engage in various of the Student Learning Outcomes, such as analysis, interpretation, and the evaluation of complex academic topics and/or a range of works.

Option F (Oral History/Interview):Do original research by writing an Oral History or conducting an interview with someone on the topic of Race and Belonging in the Age of Colorblindness. Click here


for more guidance on how to do an Oral History.

Convert your essay or project to a presentation (via Google Slides or PowerPoint, etc) by making the following 5 slides:

  1. Title of project and epigraph
  2. Guiding question and your answer/thesis (To come up with your guiding question, ask yourself what question your thesis answers). If you’re doing a creative option, like the music narrative, you probably still have a central insight and/or a “dominant impression” (the thesis equivalent in a narrative)
  3. Main supporting points with examples or a selection from your work (such as one of your poems or a paragraph or scene from your narrative)
  4. Main supporting points with examples or a selection from your work (such as one of your poems or a paragraph or scene from your narrative)
  5. Conclusions/Recommendations/Next Steps or your takeaway reflections or parting insights or last paragraph(s)
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