Computer Science Homework Help

Good Afternoon All, Assignment Instructions: You are tasked as the Cyber Security Analyst at your new organization to prepare a briefing for executive management (comprised of people with anywhere f

Good Afternoon All,

Assignment Instructions:You are tasked as the Cyber Security Analyst at your new organization to prepare a briefing for executive management (comprised of people with anywhere from a basic understanding of Information Technology [IT] to a Chief Information Officer with a vast knowledge of IT). The purpose of the briefing is to let them know after you have analyzed network designs, topologies, architectures, protocols, communications, administration, operations, and resource management for wired, wireless, and satellite networks that affect the security of the cyberspace; how it may impact your organization, and to develop a policy to be prepared for it.


  1. 4 – 6 Pages in length in APA format (not including a cover page and reference section)
  2. Cover Page
  3. Background Section
  4. Analysis of current research on the subject matter
  5. Recommendations
  6. Reference Section
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