Business & Finance Homework Help

I need a response to the below Statement: Unfortunately, I have experienced my share of toxic leadership that was cancerous and because of this, it affected our strategic planning goals. There were ti

I need a response to the below Statement:

Unfortunately, I have experienced my share of toxic leadership that was cancerous and because of this, it affected our strategic planning goals. There were times in my military career when leadership did not align with the vision of the troops or Non-commissioned officers in my case. Higher-ups were not transparent in several ways they conducted business, and this was felt down the “pipeline”. Daft (2013), refers to visible leadership as the primary key to successful strategy execution in good leadership. Daft (2013), further highlights, leadership is the ability to influence people to adopt the new behaviors needed for putting the strategy into action; Leaders actively use persuasion, motivation techniques, and cultural values that support the new strategy. I certainly believe that if leadership was transparent, compassionate, charismatic and truly had a genuine concern for the troops our strategic planning goals would have been on point. I believe communication is a key aspect before strategic planning is implemented. Because if you have incompetent leaders, no one will be persuaded to move forward on planning missions or “back-up” the leader. Leaders must lead by example and be accountable for their actions. Daft (2013), Clear roles and accountability, People need to understand how their individual actions can contribute to achieving the strategy. In my case, the communication aspects needed improvement before we could move onto strategic planning aspects. Effective strategy execution also requires

candid communication with shareholders, customers, and other stakeholders, Daft (2013).


Daft, R. L. (2013). Management (11th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. ISBN-13: 9781285068657

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