Business & Finance Homework Help

Learning Outcomes Write a well-formed business letter with a negative message.Rejecting Opportunities Strategically In SLP 3, you are required to write one negative message: Your negative message shou

Learning Outcomes

  • Write a well-formed business letter with a negative message.

Rejecting Opportunities Strategically

In SLP 3, you are required to write one negative message:

  • Your negative message should demonstrate an understanding in the application of the negative message principles from the background reading.

Please pay particular attention to the principles outlined in Chapter 17: Negative News and Crisis Communication within the Business Communication for Success ebook.

In this SLP, you are given two scenarios to choose from that require you to reject an opportunity using written communication. Select one scenario for this SLP. These scenarios are a continuation of your job search, begun in SLP 1. You are expected to apply the concepts covered in this module.

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