Business & Finance Homework Help

I need this by tomorrow at 3 pmSelecta government entity of your

I need this by tomorrow at 3 pm

Select a government entity of your

choice.  It can be a state, county, city, town, school district, or any other government entity. Preferably select one in which you have a vested interest, such as where you live, work or send your kids to school.

Obtain the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the entity you selected.  You should be able to find the CAFR on the web site for the government entity. If not, contract the entity for a copy.   Note: This CAFR will be used for many activities throughout the course.

Scenario:  You are working as an accountant for the government entity you selected above.  You have newly elected board members who are business people from the community.  These are highly successful and intelligent business people who know and appreciate private sector financial accounting.  However, they know very little about government accounting.

Prepare a PowerPoint® presentation for the new Board members. The presentation should be between 12 to 15 slides and include the following:  

Government Accounting NameCourseInstructor a)It record financial transactions of revenues and expenditures related to the government organizations.The purpose of government accountingand…

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