Biology Homework Help

I need a 200-word response to each of the following forum post made by my classmates (400 words total): (The original forum question is below the following two classmate forum post) Classmate Forum Po

I need a 200-word response to each of the following forum post made by my classmates (400 words total):

(The original forum question is below the following two classmate forum post)

Classmate Forum Post #1:

Williams Syndrome, also known as Williams-Beuren syndrome ( is a genetic disorder caused by a deletion in Chromosome 7; that is, that the chromosome in question loses a tiny end piece. Children who suffer from Williams Syndrome have a turned-up nose, a wide mouth, small chin, and large ears. Williams Syndrome sufferers have poor academic skills, but exhibit excellent verbal and music abilities. Medical problems involving the eyes, vision, the digestive tract, and the urinary system are also possible with Williams Syndrome ( One side effect of Williams Syndrome is the premature aging of skin, due to the lack of the gene that governs the production of the protein elastin. Additionally, the lack of this protein also affects cardiovascular health. Individuals with Williams Syndrome are generally very friendly, but require an ordered life, most likely due to the loss of a gene for a protein that is normally active in the brain. They also suffer from Hyperacusis (sensitive hearing), which can make it hard to function in an environment that is not strictly controlled. This, along with a host of other issues, such as issues with fine motor skills and spatial relations, can lead to the Williams Syndrome sufferer struggling with a feeling of loneliness or depression ( Generally, some symptoms can improve, or resolve, with age. Individuals who inherit this disorder from one parent, who has a chromosome with the deletion. When one parent has the chromosomal deletion, the parent in question no longer has a pair of alleles for each trait which is the root cause of the syndrome. The degree in which the individual is affected by Williams Syndrome is varied with each child and can be relatively mild to extremely profound. (

Classmate Forum Post #2:

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that occurs when an individual inherits an extra copy of the 21st chromosome. It is the most common chromosomal anomaly in humans. It most commonly occurs when the egg contains the two copies of chromosomes but in about 20 percent of cases, sperm is the contributing factor of the extra 21st chromosome. This mutation is considered to be translocation, meaning that a segment from one chromosome is moved to another, nonhomologous chromosomes or the exchange of a segment between nonhomologous chromosomes. The Chance of a child being born with Down syndrome increases for women whom have children over the age of 40. The person inherits only one of the translocated chromosomes will have only one copy of certain alleles and three copies of other alleles. A special microscopic technique allows a technician to determine that a translocation has occurred. An individual with down syndrome will typically have three copies of chromosome 21 instead of two. People with Down syndrome have similar characteristics such as a short stature, upward slant to the eyes, a large fissured tongue, a round head, low muscle tone, a deep crease across the center of the palm, stubby fingers, and an increased risk for cardiac defect. Someone with Down syndrome will also have some intellectual disabilities but most individuals have an IQ in the mild to moderate disability range. Thanks in large part to science people with Down syndrome’s life expectancy has increased tremendously in the last twenty-five years, going from around twenty-five years of age to around sixty years.

Original Forum Question:

For each board, please choose one question to complete the main post. The main post must be AT LEAST 250 words. The post must be related to one of the topics presented by your instruction found below. If the post is not 250 words or not on a topic presented it will be returned.

Please make sure that all of the information that you use to complete your post is from your textbook. If you choose to use sources outside your book you are required to cite and reference in APA format. Otherwise the post will be returned.

Once you have completed the main post you can choose any 2 peer posts to reply to in at least 125 words.

If your post if rejected, you will get a message in your Message Center regarding why. Please use the HELP tab on your portal to contact your instructor if you need assistance.

Discussion topics can be updated periodically.

1. There were several pre-Darwin explanations of evolution. Choose one from your book and compare them to the accepted Darwin theory of Natural selection.

2. Choose any genetic disorder from your book. Discuss the cause (ex: insertion, deletion, inversion, translocation or whole chromosome issue), signs, symptoms and degrees of the disease.

3. Choose a trait that goes beyond Mendel’s one trait inheritance. Discuss the inheritance (ex. Incomplete dominance, multiple allele, polygenic, pleiotrophy, linkage, environmental influences), the different phenotypes or anything else that deviates from simple genetics.

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