Biology Homework Help

For Full Credit: Summaries must beone page each,single-spaced Each summary must be based on a current scholarly journal articlethat ispertinentto your behavior change. The journal article must beat

For Full Credit:

  • Summaries must beone page each,single-spaced
  • Each summary must be based on a current scholarly journal articlethat ispertinentto your behavior change.
  • The journal article must beat least 4 pages in length
  • APDF copyof the article must be turned in
  • Each summary must betyped.Times New Roman orArial, size 12, 1-inchmargins.
  • A reference page for the articles must be included
  • Summaries must include an evaluation of how it was useful to your project.
  • Plagiarized summaries will receive no creditand will be reported to the Office ofStudent Conduct and Ethical Development

Where to find Scholarly Articles

You may use the following reputable resources to find scholarly articles.DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA!!

Reminder: your articles must be at least 4 pages in length and related to your health project topic!

SAVE YOUR ARTICLES IN PDF FORMAT. You will need to submit a PDF copy of each article with your project.

There are a number of databases out there, but here are a few that I recommend:


Google Scholar:

Pub Med:

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