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Create a 25 pages page paper that discusses security in the workplace. The term security may include integrated security, physical security, company security, hiring issues, etc. Some situations may b

Create a 25 pages page paper that discusses security in the workplace. The term security may include integrated security, physical security, company security, hiring issues, etc. Some situations may be emergencies, which definitely require a proactive procedure. Emergencies should be prevented as much as possible and that is why it is important to determine what might be an emergency, or what might lead to an emergency. If an emergency or a safety need does arise, it is detrimental that systems and policies are in place. This will not only avoid confusion and lack of readiness and education, it will minimize injuries, accidents, and liabilities. When safety/securities needs are overlooked, they can cause problems for everyone and this causes lawsuits and liabilities. The organization, with the security manager’s guidance, should look out for the safety and security of all those who enter and have dealings with the company. The security manager should also help provide a secured environment by teaching administration/management and staff how to abide the systems and policies, focusing on intrusion prevention and detection, consistent auditing, and computer security. Management is the authority in which the staff follows and they also provide the standard for any visitors and clients who deal with the organization, or company. Management should know what to look for during the hiring process to prevent future problems.

Security in the Workplace 2

Nixon states, “Poor hiring practices can cost a company in lost

productivity, theft, and at the extreme end, workplace violence

incidents that can cost lives, damage the company’s reputation,

and depress future earnings. Legal expenses for negligence

lawsuits (for issues including negligent hiring, supervision,

security, training, and retention) average $2.2 million, according

to Rebecca Speer, a workplace-violence attorney. But more

devastating is the loss of life that violence in the workplace can

cause. To minimize the risk of such incidents, companies need to

implement a well-crafted hiring process that screens out violence-

prone candidates before they become employees”.

Steps in the hiring process will lead to risk management, a safer environment for

all, and fewer liabilities. “One of the simplest self-opt-out techniques is to declare the

organization a “violence-free workplace,” just as some organizations proclaim that

they are a drug-free workplace and therefore test all applicants for drugs. If, from the

outset of the hiring process, a company makes clear that its selection process focuses

on individuals who will support efforts to keep the environment free of violence,

individuals who have been used to displaying aggressive, hostile, and violent

behavior will go elsewhere or will join the company with the understanding that this

behavior is not acceptable,” states Nixon.

Screening candidates during job interviews is an excellent way to insure a safe

and secure environment. Be sure to choose questions that are helpful in meeting your

Security in the Workplace 3

organization’s goals, do background checks, investigate inconsistent work history,

and contact each candidate’s references. Be sure to have job candidates sign a form

which states that, should he/she be hired, listing false information on an application is

reason for termination.

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