Article Writing Homework Help

I will give you two songs of Latin Music. Compare and analyze them and write an essay for about 1700-2000 words. I will also post the abstract and first draft and please read them first, then make imp

I will give you two songs of Latin Music.

Compare and analyze them and write an essay for about 1700-2000 words.

I will also post the abstract and first draft and please read them first, then make improvement based on them. 

Specific requirement are as follows:

The historical, political, and social context of both pieces

The musical content that make the pieces relate to their respective contexts

A general explanation of the lyrics including the explicit and/or implicit content of the song

A comparison of the two examples, how they related or differ from each other.

Use at least 6 bibliography.

Two songs:

1. Mc Linn da Quebrada – Bixa Preta

2. Silvio Rodriguez – Playa Giron

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