Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on growing thoughts and the growing politics Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on growing thoughts and the growing politics Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Niccolo Machiavelli is considered to have set the foundation of present political thoughts through his writing current politics cannot function without reference to his book. In his book on the prince and the discourses, he feels that the state is the form of human relationships, thus indispensable for human welfare promotion. He further says that the state should be honored even by sacrificing the individual for the state’s interest. Machiavelli further identifies the prince as a process of power acquisition (Machiavelli, pp.203-260).

Thomas Hobbes in his book ‘Leviathan’ advocates for a contract theory of the Government where he examines human nature whereby he believes: men just like animals are driven by impulse save for human speech and reason. These and many more lead to his formation of the social contract theory where Man governs himself via a majority consensus. Hobbes finds a man to be egocentric (Hobbes, pp. 340-418).

John Locke in his book political writings developed the theme of concept and democracy. Democracy means a representation of the people through their consent. Locke also echoed Hobbes’s idea of a social contract theory. While Hobbes used it to advocate absolutism, Lock’s idea was to develop a limited and constitutional Government (Locke and Wotton, pp.68-127).

Aristotle defined politics as a practical science since it dealt with pleasing its citizens. His philosophy was to discover the highest purpose of life. Aristotle feels that all manners of rule, e.g. slave-master, monarch, and political are equal. He further asserts that since all communities seek a common good, then the state that happens to be the highest aims at the highest good. According to him, the most basic communities are families that combine to make a village, while the villages make a state.&nbsp.Aristotle is the one who defined political terms like Aristocracy where minorities ruled the majority. Aristotle felt that if the ruling were of family setup, then it should be the monarch (Aristotle, pp. 56-130).

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