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Write 14 pages thesis on the topic cognitive psychology and its application to brain, mind, and beliefs of a person.

Write 14 pages thesis on the topic cognitive psychology and its application to brain, mind, and beliefs of a person. It is from this point that Cognitive Psychology came into being.

In 1879 a laboratory opened at the University of Leipzig in which, for the first time, scientific methods were being used to study human behavior and its antecedent, the origins of thought in human beings. This was the laboratory of Wilhelm Wundt. However, even before Wundt began his experimental studies, others were setting the stage for applying scientific methods to thought processes, most notably Gustav Fechner.

Gustav Fechner was a physician who early in his career suffered (while doing research) a painful injury to his eyes which left him temporarily blind and changed the direction of his studies and research into the realm of thought and perception. In 1848 his first work in this area was published, Nanna, oder Über das Seelenleben der Pflanzen. In Nanna, and in his subsequent work, Zend-Avesta (1851), Fechner proposed a mind/body view that, while it retained some dualism of mind and body, proposed and developed the unity of mind and body working together for processes such as thought and perception to occur. 1 In his Elemente de Psychophysik (1860),

he articulated for the first time science of the relationship between physical and mental phenomena in which he attempted to demonstrate that mind and matter are different means of the conception of the same reality.2 And Fechner also had a contemporary Von Helmholtz who along with him was laying the foundations for what would eventually become cognitive psychology.

Another Prussian physician, Hermann von Helmholtz, a contemporary of Fechner, was also investigating the relationship between the physical and the mental. However, he was specifically focusing on the process of perception. From 1856 to 1866, his Handbuch der physiologischen Optik was published in several parts. His theory of perception was that an automatic and unconscious process of sensation and a conscious, logical process of inference of external characteristics are both needed for perceptions to occur.

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