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Hi, need to submit a 1750 words paper on the topic The American Revolution and Slavery.

Hi, need to submit a 1750 words paper on the topic The American Revolution and Slavery. The slaves were brought to the colonies in order to work on rice farms, tobacco farms or other agricultural products. The slaves were skilled in agriculture and they understood how to work the fields, but it was still difficult to work. The worst areas for slaves were in Georgia and South Carolina (Doak and Olwell 73).

Slaves were made to stand in high heat and worked the rice fields. Slaves also stood in water to weed and hoe the field. They were also responsible for keeping birds away from the rice. This was a very grueling existence and it was not something they could do in their leisure. There as a planting season and they were pushed to complete the rice harvesting by the early part of the winter so that in the late part of the winter the rice could be shipped to Europe (Doak and Olwell 75).

If the slaves were in South Carolina, they worked under a “task” system. They would have to work in the fields all day and then they could tend to their families and to their own gardens. If slaves had other skills like carpentry or crafts, they could avoid the fields and be hired out to do these trades (Doak and Olwell 76).

Slaves were considered property instead of human beings. They were “kept” in small cabins that were run down. The slave owners did not give them furniture nor did they provide good food for them. They were given small amounts of food that often included rice, butter, salt and molasses (Doak and Olwell, 77). These situations were the backdrop of slavery and it would continue for many years.

On April 19, 1775, the American Revolution officially began at Lexington and Concord Massachusetts. The war was fought to gain independence for the 13 colonies that made up the South at that time. (Doak and Olwell 98). Ironically, the colonists believed that if they did not fight, they may become the slaves of Britain (“Digital History” 2009).&nbsp.

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