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Write a 7 pages paper on china: diasporic identity based obsession or obsession founded on divergent views.

Write a 7 pages paper on china: diasporic identity based obsession or obsession founded on divergent views. Chinese authors have bared their souls through printed text that clearly displays divergent views about what it is about China that makes its citizens so resilient, yet willing to submit to a status quo element that maintains the continuity of the good and bad sides of Chinese society.

C.T. Hsia has made strong assertions in the article, “Obsession with China: The Moral Burden of Modern Chinese Literature”. To truly understand Hsia’s views, it is essential that we carefully analyze key excerpts of the article. Note the following:

“What distinguishes the “modern” phase of Chinese literature from the traditional phase is rather its burden of moral contemplation: its obsessive concern with China as a nation afflicted with a spiritual disease and therefore unable to strengthen itself or change its set ways of inhumanity.”

Chinese citizens operating from a diasporic identity clearly feel it is their duty to articulate the horrors that occur in china concerning the oppression of and human rights abuses against Chinese citizens. Theoretically, where traditional Chinese literature required and in many cases demanded compliance from Chinese authors in representing China as the government would have the world see it instead of how it was operating in reality, Chinese citizens in the diaspora are articulating chilling excerpts of life under oppressive regimes. Surprisingly, the proponents of traditional Chinese literature represented the lower social classes in many cases. Modern authors of Chinese literature are working feverishly to bring the lower classes to the realization that they must voice their displeasure about human rights abuses that affect them and if these atrocities do not affect them, the modern authors are sparing no expense to change that reality, as the lower class citizens will have to be enlisted in any successful movement that is geared toward spearheading change in China in order to improve the living conditions of all Chinese citizens in addition to facilitating an environment where Chinese citizens in the diaspora will be welcome once again in China.

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