Article Writing Homework Help

Provide a 9 pages analysis while answering the following question: The Core Ideas of Stuart Hall. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is requi

Provide a 9 pages analysis while answering the following question: The Core Ideas of Stuart Hall. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Most of Stuart’s writings are on the subjects of hybridity, identity, ethnic relations, multi-culturalism, and the principles of difference. Due to his massive use of Marx’s methods in the analysis of relationships between various cultures and the political economy, Stuart is regarded as a Marxist theorist.

One of Stuart’s most popular works pertaining to art and identity is “introduction: Who Needs Identity?” in Questions of Cultural Identity,” which he wrote in the company of Paul du Gay. Hall and Gay (4) concisely stipulate that “identities are by no means ever unified” they continue to assert that in late contemporary times, identities are progressively more fragmented and broken. This can be construed to mean that identities are never singular, but instead aggressively proliferate across different discourses, activities, and contexts. They are dependent on a dynamic historicization and are always in the process of modification and renovation. Identities are consequently established inside, not outside representation.

Hall and Gay (4) assert that since identities are established in, not outside, the context at hand, there is a need to identify with them as fashioned in particular chronological and institutional points within particular discursive structures and activities, using precise and articulate approaches. They continue to affirm that identities materialize during particular modalities of authority, and can, therefore, be perceived to be more the end products of the marking of variation and segregation, than symbols of similar, naturally-constituted unity As a consequence, Hall and Gay (4) reckon that and identities are established by means of, not outside, difference.

Hall and Gay (5) also point out that identities can only be used for identification and attachment due to their tendency to exclude and be abjected. According to Hall and Gay, (5) all identities have their thresholds, surfeits, and ability to be amplified.&nbsp.

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