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Need help with my writing homework on The Counter Intelligence Corps. Write a 1250 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on The Counter Intelligence Corps. Write a 1250 word paper answering; Under the Ministry of Home Affairs in the year 1947, after India emerged from partition, it was recast as the Central Intelligence Bureau. The difference between the two agencies as per their origin is because in the American backdrop, the agency was formed to protect the country from spies emerging from the Cold War and then the Second World War. whereas in India on the other hand, the point was to control activities by Indian anarchists, formed by the British as early as 1909 in order to regulate and control the country in a better manner.

In the United States of America, there is a very thin line between intelligence and law enforcement whereas in India the same principle is not followed. The intelligence agency in India falls under the ambit of two aspects – the Intelligence Bureau and the Research and Analysis Wing. In the U.S, as compared to India, much better technological innovations are present which help the country take care of the intelligence needs. The United States is much more capable of finding information as compared to India because of the sole reason that a lot more funding and money has been placed to educate people and train them perfectly to fit the bill. India has trained officials taking care of extracting information and finding out for the benefit of the nation however the country is not as well versed in the same as the United States of America is.

Since both agencies hire agents they need to have continuous tests to test the credibility of the agents and to find out whether or not they are well suited to defend the country. Initially in India, the agents were trained by the KGB of Russia however now they have their own training programs which nonetheless are not very effective and thus do not put India at par with the counterintelligence arising from countries like the United States of America.

In India and the United States alike, the work done in the agencies is delegated into different departments that take care of different fields like aviation, naval, and other such responsibilities. In India, the main task of the Intelligence Bureau is to execute tasks related to counterintelligence and counterterrorism attacks.

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