Article Writing Homework Help

Need help with my writing homework on Pursuing Research Studies from College. Write a 250 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Pursuing Research Studies from College. Write a 250 word paper answering; I am XX and I am keen to pursue research studies from this college. I am a highly motivated and my ultimate aim is to contribute constructively towards new information about the dreaded disease called cancer, so that many more lives can have a better chance of survival in future. I have completed my course in Pharmacy from this college with good grades, passing general and organic Chemistry with flying colors. My GPA was 3.7 and GPA for science was 3.9. I am currently doing analytical chemistry and physiology. Besides this, as extra curriculum studies, I am also studying calculus physics and honor calculus classes.

My ardent interests in the academics and commitment towards the wider ramifications of good educations have always encouraged me to put my best in all areas of academia. The turning point had come when I immigrated to America in 2004 for advance studies and came to live with my grandfather who was residing in New York. He had always been a role model for me and he had been a strong pillar of support for me and my family during the turbulent political times when USSR was on the verge of breakup. His inimitable spirit and courage during his fight against cancer, became my inspiration for doing something constructive in this area.

This has become a mission of my life and I know that someday, I would be able to contribute something positive which would help alleviate the sufferings of the cancer patients. I am hopeful that my admission into the research study would facilitate towards opportunities that would help me realize my long term objective of becoming a worthy scientist who would help the society at large through his research efforts to conquer cancer which is increasingly becoming more endemic.

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